Bio-Specimen Freezer Storage

Questions? Contact UCSF Logistics


How to utilize and access bio-specimen freezer storage at the UCSF Logistics Oyster Point facility.

Our services

Your laboratory space is valuable. Logistics can help you manage your freezer storage by relocating your long-term specimens to our facility at Oyster Point in South San Francisco. Our warehouse can house customers’ ultra-low mechanical freezers and vapor-phase liquid nitrogen freezers.

We provide an onsite backup power generator (NIH compliant) that can furnish power for up to 48 hours and a multipurpose 24/7 security system that provides:

  • Inside and outside security camera system
  • Secure access during normal business hours
  • Intrusion and fire detection
  • Monitoring of critical building functions

Our staff takes a reading of each freezer, twice a day, to make sure there is no sudden fluctuation in the freezer’s temperature. In case of such an occurrence, customers are contacted immediately. Ambient room temperature readings are recorded to monitor consistency in the environment.

Logistics also has six -80°C backup freezers available. However, Logistics does not rent freezers. Customer specimens can be moved into these backup freezers should their own freezer fail and require repair.

How to arrange freezer storage

To learn more about our freezer farm, including specialized storage capabilities, access to the facility, the backup power plan, freezer specifications, fees and more, please contact us via a service ticket.