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Questions? Contact SCM Response Team


A tips and tricks series from the Supply Chain Management Response Team.

MyExpense reimbursement payments to UCSF employees will be distributed the same way as the employee’s paycheck—if an employee receives their paycheck via multiple accounts, please check all accounts. If you still can’t locate the employee’s reimbursement payment, you may open a ticket with the Supply Chain Management (SCM) Response Team for assistance. Employees can update their payment method in UCPath—it may take one pay period for these changes to take effect. Note: Guest reimbursements paid to non-UCSF affiliates are paid via check.

To avoid invoice payment delays, properly mark each line item in your BearBuy shopping cart as taxable or nontaxable before placing the order. To mark an item as taxable, tick the Taxable checkbox next to the line item in your cart. Most catalog items and forms will default to the correct tax selection based on the Commodity Code. If you aren’t sure whether a line item should be marked as taxable or not, please contact the supplier for clarification.

When contacting SCM Response Team, please provide as much detail as possible on your ticket. This will prevent delays involved in requesting more information. For example, when requesting to rush an invoice payment, please describe the situation and provide a valid business reason to rush the payment.

Is there a way I can avoid invoices being submitted to the Invoice Import Errors queue?

Please ensure your purchase order (PO) has sufficient funding to pay the invoices. Every invoice that is submitted through Transcepta using a PO with negative funding will go to the Invoice Import Errors queue, which is backlogged due to the high volume of errors. It is the department’s responsibility to ensure their POs have sufficient funding for all invoices that will be submitted. If your PO is low on funds, please submit a Change Order Request form to close the PO or add funds. Alternatively, you may need to establish a new PO for future invoices.