Large Item and Boxed Storage FAQs

Questions? Contact UCSF Logistics


UCSF Logistics frequently asked questions concerning storage of large items and boxed documents.

Q: What is a Lot ID?

A: Lot ID allows you to categorize your storage into smaller sub-categories. Let's say you have three boxes with different types of storage materials in them:

  • Box 1 is HR records and in that box are HR files with employees’ names Ar through Fa. You could use Lot ID "HR" to ID the boxes
  • Box 2 is financial records and in there are P/U Records from BearBuy with files from 2009 through 2013. You could use Lot ID "Finance" to identify them.
  • Box 3 is administrative records, with copies of collateral you used in a Cancer Center conference in 2012. You could use Lot ID "Admin" to identify them.

Even after a couple of years of amassing storage in your account, you will still be able to locate those boxes since you broke them down via easily understood categories.

Q: What is the purpose of a Lot ID?

A: Lot ID assists the customer by grouping multiple boxes by name, event or date so that you can retrieve files without having to search through your entire inventory upon retrieval.

Q: What if I have a bulk storage pickup?

  • Navigate to UCSF Logistics Online Warehouse (My Access required)
  • Click on Service Requests
  • Click on Storage Pickup
  • Select the appropriate number of lines – in your case 1 line of storage, bulk.  
  • Enter a description of the items
  • Click on the "Select an Item" field, and select 99998 Storage Bulk
  • Click "continue"
  • Fill out the "common information page" with:
    • Date requested
    • Contact
    • Contact Phone Number
    • Building
    • Room
    • Business Unit (SFBCP, SFCMP, SFFPO, SFLPH, or SFMED)
    • Enter your Fund
    • Enter your Project ID
    • Enter your Function
  • Click continue

Make a note of the Storage Pickup Request Number you received, that's your reference number if you have questions.

Q: I have boxes that I want picked up and stored at Oyster Point. How do I arrange for that?

  • Navigate to UCSF Logistics Online Warehouse (My Access required)
  • Click on Service requests
  • Click on Storage Pickup
  • Select the appropriate number of lines (lines = boxes of storage)
  • Fill out a description of the contents of each box. Make sure your box number and contents match the box number and contents you enter.
  • The left end panel of the box will need to have room for a 4" x 6" label; all other markings should be limited to the right hand end panel.
  • Click "continue"
  • Fill out the "common information page" with:
    • Date Requested
    • Building/Room
    • Contact with location phone
    • Business Unit (SFBCP, SFCMP, SFFPO, SFLPH, or SFMED)
    • Enter your Fund
    • Enter your Project ID
    • Enter your Function
    • Agree to the terms and conditions
    • Click Submit Order

Make a note of the Storage Pick-Up Request Number you received, that's your reference number if you have questions.

Note: The reason we ask that you label the end panel of the box is we stack banker boxes on a pallet with the narrow end of the box facing out.  

Q: How do I go about retrieving box(es) I have in storage?

  • Navigate to UCSF Logistics Online Warehouse (My Access required)
  • Click on Service requests
  • Click on Storage Retrieval
  • Select 99999 for "Box Storage"
  • Select the boxes you'd like to retrieve from your inventory
  • Date Requested
  • Building/Room
  • Contact with location phone
  • Select your Business Unit (SFBCP, SFCMP, SFFPO, SFLPH, or SFMED)
  • Enter your Fund
  • Enter your Project ID
  • Enter your Function
  • Agree to the terms and conditions
  • Click Submit Order

Make a note of the Storage Retrieval Request Number you received – that is your reference number if you have questions.

Q: How would I retrieve item(s) that I have in Bulk Storage?

  • Navigate to UCSF Logistics Online Warehouse (My Access required)
  • Click on Service requests
  • Click on Storage Retrieval
  • Click on 99998 Bulk Storage – you'll see a number that represents your total cubic footage
  • Click on Show Details
  • Select the item you'd like to retrieve
  • A field will appear where you can type in comments, such as "deliver 20 cases of bulk storage bottles"
  • Date Requested
  • Building/Room
  • Contact with location phone
  • Select your Business Unit (SFBCP, SFCMP, SFFPO, SFLPH, or SFMED)
  • Enter your Fund
  • Enter your Project ID
  • Enter your Function
  • Agree to the terms and conditions
  • Click Submit Order

Make a note of the Storage Retrieval Request Number you received. That is your reference number if you have questions.

Q: If I no longer need item(s) that I have in storage, how would I arrange to have them sent to Surplus?

  • Navigate to UCSF Logistics Online Warehouse (My Access required)
  • Click on Service requests
  • Click on Storage Retrieval
  • Click on 99998 Bulk Storage ­– you'll see a number that represents your total cubic footage
  • Click on Show Details
  • Select the item you'd like to retrieve
  • A box will appear where you can type in comments ("Send this file cabinet to Surplus ­– no longer needed")
  • Date Requested
  • Building/Room
  • Contact with location phone
  • Select your Business Unit (SFBCP, SFCMP, SFFPO, SFLPH, or SFMED)
  • Enter your Fund
  • Enter your Project ID
  • Enter your Function
  • Agree to the terms and conditions
  • Click Submit Order

Make a note of the Storage Retrieval Request. That is your reference number if you have questions.

Q: How do I dispose of an item(s)?

  • Navigate to UCSF Logistics Online Warehouse (My Access required)
  • Click on Service Requests
  • Click on Storage Retrieval
  • Select the boxes you'd like to send for destruction
  • Note "for destruction" in the comments field
  • Click Continue
  • Fill out the "common information page" – make sure to use 2418REC as the location
  • Make a note of your Storage Retrieval Request Number in case you have questions.

Our Storage Specialist Donte Casey ([email protected]) handles the destruction process. Donte will reach out to you upon receiving your Storage Retrieval submission from the Logistics Online Warehouse website.

Q: How do I request to review any item(s) I have in storage?

A: Please place a Labor Services Request in our Online Warehouse system, and note "Inventory Review" in the comments section.  

Make sure to include the LPNs (License Plate Numbers; used to identify inventory stored at Oyster Point) of the items you're going to want to review in the text field. LPNs are visible in your Storage Inventory. Our storage specialist will bring your items out of the racks for review. Please reach out to [email protected] and Donte Casey ([email protected]) (415) 502-3065) to make an appointment for your inventory review.

Q: How do I extract a Storage Inventory Report?

  • Navigate to UCSF Logistics Online Warehouse (My Access required)
  • Click on My Reports
  • Click on Reports
  • Click on the drop-down menu
  • Select Storage Inventory Report
  • Note that it defaults to your main Department ID – if you add Department Codes you can now toggle to the Department ID you are interested in
  • Click Build Report

You can now download the report using different formats.