Capital Asset Surplus Terms and Conditions for Departments


Terms and conditions for use of Supply Chain Management Logistcs Capital Asset Surplus Property Disposal program. 

By initiating the Capital Asset Surplus request process, departments agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this document.

The University of California, San Francisco Capital Asset Surplus Program is a function of the Supply Chain Management (SCM) department. SCM is authorized as the Surplus Manager, delegated from the Chancellor of the University. The program is governed and managed in accordance with University of California Policy BFB-BUS-38.

The UCSF Capital Asset Surplus Program coordinates the resale of Capitalized Equipment, those items that at initial purchase were valued at more than $5,000 and have a UCSF property number/tag.  Logistics manages the sale of these items through Public Surplus, a third-party online auction website.

The first seven days the item is exclusively listed on the Public Surplus website for UCSF departments as an "inter-departmental transfer" via a financial journal. If not sold within the first week, the item continues to be listed on the Public Surplus website for another two weeks for the general public. Departments may continue to purchase during this phase of the auction.

Once Logistics takes possession of the item, Logistics has complete authority over its disposition, including determining the fair-market value and setting the minimum bid.

Logistics charges hourly rates to transport the items to our Oyster Point facility, as well as any other related work. Logistics retains the first $500 of sale revenue to cover the costs of maintaining the Capital Asset Program.

The following amounts are deducted from the selling price:

  • Public Surplus fee: 10 percent of the selling amount
  • Sales tax: Any applicable state tax
  • Logistics charges:  The first $500 of the sale revenue

Departments receive the remainder of the revenue.


Before completing this form you may need to complete the following steps:

  1. Complete an Equipment Inventory Modification Request (EIMR) and submit it to Capital Asset Management (CAM) in the Controller’s Office. CAM will provide a “CAM Reference Number” to release the item from your department’s inventory. You will need this number to complete the Logisitics Capital Asset Surplus Form.
  2. The selling department certifies that items are free of workplace hazards and/or hazardous material, including radioactive materials according to Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) standards.
  3. The selling department certifies that any hard drive is encrypted as outlined by IT data security policy.
  4. You will need a full Chart of Account (COA) for any associated charges. Please contact your principal investigator (PI) or financial analyst.


Please email us at [email protected]*

*Supply Chain Management retains all authority over decisions regarding the disposal of excess University property. Departments are prohibited from selling, donating or trading excess property outside of the Surplus program.