Information about supplier diversity and inclusion for UCSF campus departments.
Suppliers can find more information on program requirements in our Supplier section.
Our Commitment to Supplier Diversity
The UCSF Supplier Diversity and Inclusion Program (SDIP) is an extension of several institution-wide commitments to promoting economic and health equity in the San Francisco Bay Area. SDIP, a key component of the Anchor Institution Mission (AIM), leverages the University’s economic strength and PRIDE (Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Diversity, and Excellence) values to foster inclusion of diverse human and intellectual resources. UCSF has implemented practices to encourage the use of diverse suppliers among staff who serve as financial stewards.
Anchor institutions are place-based, mission-driven entities such as hospitals, universities, and government agencies that leverage their economic power alongside their human and intellectual resources to improve the long-term health and social welfare of their communities.
Supply Chain Management (SCM) actively encourages diversity, equity, and inclusion to enhance opportunities within the University supplier base and partners with AIM to provide support and guidance to small, local and diverse businesses seeking to do business with UCSF.
UCSF is committed to:
- Actively seek out certified small and/or diverse suppliers to participate in all available procurement opportunities, including Request for Proposals (RFPs). This does not necessarily mean a supplier will be awarded the business, but it does guarantee that they are able to participate in all available procurement opportunities regardless of the dollar amount.
- Ensure the inclusion of small and/or diverse suppliers are part of our strategic sourcing and procurement processes.
- Communicate the value of supplier diversity both internally and externally to all stakeholders.
- Collaborate with strategic partners to develop new, creative, and innovative means to utilize small and/or diverse business enterprises.
- Cultivate sustainable partnerships with campus departments to encourage small and/or diverse business utilization.
- Deepen connections with businesses within San Francisco and the greater Bay Area
- As a land-grant Institution, leverage procurement dollars to improve the lives of individuals, families, and communities within the state.
The University of California is committed to doing business in an equitable and sustainable manner by working with small, local and diverse businesses. In accordance with state and federal law, UC ensures that all business enterprises have equal access to business contracting opportunities at the University. To learn more, sign up to receive Anchor Institution Mission news and updates delivered directly to your inbox.
UCSF Supplier Diversity Goals
The mission of the University of California is to support teaching, research, and public services in a cost-effective manner which best serve the interests of the people of California. To that end, UCSF aims to reach 25 percent of our addressable spend (annual funds that aren’t committed to specific contracts) with certified small and diverse businesses.
Defining Small and Diverse Businesses
To be eligible for certified small and/or diverse business type status a business must be certified by an accepted third-party certification agency. See list of the recognized UC Small Business First Accepted Certifications here. Common factors are company type, ownership, average annual revenues, and number of employees.
Special Program Simplifies Bidding
UCOP has created a Small Business First Program which features a streamlined purchasing process benefitting BOTH purchasers and suppliers. Take advantage of this simplified program to make purchasing easier and more impactful for small and diverse suppliers. Full program details are posted on the UCOP website, here is a summation:
All non-construction UC contracts and procurements that cannot be purchased through an existing strategically source agreement between $10,000 to $250,000 are eligible. The special streamlined process allows UCSF departments to solicit fewer informal quotes:
One quote for purchases $10,000 up to $100,000.
Two quotes for procurements of $100,000 up to $250,000.
Use the Explorer Professional Tool and the UCSF Certified Small and Diverse Supplier List to search for certified suppliers. These tools can be found on the bottom-left corner of the BearBuy landing page.
Your Role in Supplier Diversity
UCSF staff is encouraged to utilize certified small, local, diverse suppliers whenever possible; and to direct new suppliers to the SCM supplier web pages for pertinent information. Increasing spend with small, local, diverse businesses will help UCSF reach supplier diversity goals and provide positive outcomes for the community including:
- Increased financial support for merchants in our local community.
- Deeper affinity for UCSF among members of our community.
- Increased visibility for suppliers.
- Reduced carbon footprint.
- Employment opportunities for diverse local workforce.
Sourcing Diverse Suppliers
Diverse suppliers in BearBuy are badged with their certifications.
Supply Chain Management has also added tools to BearBuy to make sourcing diverse suppliers easier. On the BearBuy home page you will find a Supplier Diversity Section on the bottom-left corner. In that space you will find links to:
- UCSF Certified Small and Diverse Supplier List. This resource is a Smartsheet and requires single sign-on through MyAccess. The list is comprised of suppliers that have current small-business certification and have recently been utilized by a UCSF department. You can use the filter to search by supplier name, commodity/category type. Once you find a business, you can enter the supplier’s name into your BearBuy requisition.
- Explorer Professional. This University of California Office of the President (UCOP) tool allows you to locate certified small and diverse businesses and confirm their diversity status, certifications, products and service offerings, contacts and more. This database contains small and diverse businesses that are qualified to do business with the entire UC System. Learn more about this resource on the UCOP website or view the Explorer Professional training video.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where do I point small and local suppliers to get certifications?
A: UCSF does not offer certifications, we rely on established state and federal certification programs, learn more in the supplier section of our website.
Q: Do Amazon purchases count toward UCSF spend goals?
A: While Amazon purchases benefit many small, local, and diverse suppliers—money spent via Amazon does not count towards UCSF diverse spend goals.
Q: How do I navigate the small business subcontracting plan component of a federal contract/grant?
A: Review the process outline and work directly with Marliz Copado.
Become an Anchors Away Advocate
The Anchors Away Team is an internal, cross-departmental working group that guides procurement outreach strategies and supports supplier diversity outreach events. UCSF staff interested in contributing to these brainstorming meeting should email Marliz Copado and sign up.
Sign up for the Anchor Institution Mission newsletter! Anchor Institution Mission works with community partners to increase economic security and advance health equity for under-resourced Bay Area populations by leveraging UCSF’s workforce development, procurement, and community investment resources. As part of its procurement strategy, Anchor Institution Mission collaborates with Supply Chain Management to promote and support the work of underrepresented small, local, diverse businesses whenever possible. Sign up to receive Anchor Institution Mission news and updates delivered directly to your inbox.
UCSF Supplier Diversity Resources
UCSF continues to evolve our approach to supplier diversity, expect updates and news as the program matures. For more information, questions, and to get involved with procurement via small, local, diverse businesses at UCSF, contact Marliz Copado.
Subscribe to the UCSF Supply Chain Management Newsletter (News2Use) to get the latest on supplier diversity.
UCOP Small Business First Program Policy