America To Go FAQ

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Frequently asked questions about ordering food using America To Go. 

Q: Where do I enter the delivery address on my order?

A: Enter the delivery address in the Ship To Address section of your BearBuy requisition. While you may enter delivery instructions in the ATG punch-out, such as “call Tina upon arrival,” you must enter the delivery address in the Ship To Address section of your BearBuy requisition. Please do not confuse the caterer by entering the delivery address in more than one place on your order or by entering conflicting information in the delivery instructions. 

America to Go ship to address

Q: What should I do if it’s a large or open event or I don’t have the guest list, yet?

A: Enter the guest list in the Comments tab of the BearBuy requisition. You may type each guest name and title or upload the guest list as an attachment. If the guests are unknown, you may enter a Comment stating that the guest list will be attached to the order after the event. For a large or open event, you may attach the event flyer or sample invitation. 

Campus departments must always provide enough information to establish the business relationship for the activity. UC Policy BUS 79 requires that you provide a guest list in order to establish the business-related relationship to the University. The policy also states, “If it is impractical to list each guest based on the open nature of the event, the documentation need not include individual names and titles.” 

Attaching a guest list in America To Go

Q: Why do I need a host, and who should it be?

A: The host is responsible for determining that the event supports the activities of the University and has a valid business purpose. UC Policy BUS 79 defines the host as an “individual who is the University’s representative at an official business meeting, entertainment event, or other activity. The individual arranging the event (e.g., making hotel arrangements, ordering food, etc.) is not the host unless… physically present at the event and acting in a capacity as the official host.” 

Although UC policy requires host signature approval for entertainment, recruitment, and employee morale-building activities, UCSF has obtained a variance so these orders only require host name, not signature.

Q: How do I pay a large deposit to my caterer?

A: UCSF discourages paying deposits for catering to protect the financial interests of the University. In the event that the caterer does not fulfill the order or the event is canceled, your department may lose the funds used for deposit. It is best practice to not pay the caterer until after the order has been delivered satisfactorily. 

However, if the caterer requires a deposit, a department may choose to pay the deposit. The department should document internal departmental approvals for the deposit payment and assume all financial responsibility for any lost deposit funds. 

It is recommended that the deposit amount be a reasonable percentage of the total catering cost and no more than 50% of the total catering amount. 

For technical assistance, please contact the caterer and/or ATG Customer Service to process your order as a custom order.

Q: Is Moffitt Catering available in ATG/BearBuy?

A: No! Place your order directly with Moffitt Catering.

Q: Can UCSF Health departments use ATG/BearBuy? 

A: BearBuy is a UCSF campus purchasing system, and most UCSF Health departments do not use BearBuy. Please inquire with your department’s management regarding whether your department uses BearBuy and how your department orders catering services.