Furniture Design, Planning and Specification

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One Workplace has combined traditional design principles with our own unique approach to the workplace. The result is a proven, three-step process that ensures the workplace design integrates with UCSF's buildings, culture, brand and budget.


This is the information gathering stage. OWP will meet with UCSF end users, consultants or design firms - to discuss UCSF goals and requirements. OWP will visit UCSF jobsite, or, if it is under construction, study the completed working drawings. Also, plans of existing conditions are created after field dimensions are verified. If existing furniture is to be reused, an inventory is made.

Design Development

In this phase, ideas and concepts are explored and tested. Floor plans and 3D views/renderings of actual workstations (typicals) are drawn and reviewed with you. Also, OWP can help you choose all finishes, upholsteries and materials; including some architectural finishes such as paint, wall and floor coverings; then, OWP will produce finish plans for UCSF or for the UCSF contractor.

Project Documentation

This is the "specifications" phase. All the products you have selected are documented, and furniture installation drawings are generated; noting the type, size and placement of every piece of furniture. An audit is included, as an extra step to ensure accuracy, code compliance and exact order quantities.


Furniture design, planning and specification services provided to UCSF at no cost:
One Workplace will dedicate at least one (1) full-time, dedicated Designer to the UCSF account. This Designer will specialize in furniture layout and selection for workplaces, educational spaces, clinical spaces, hospitality and associated support spaces. Members of the One Workplace team are available for initial consultative conversations regarding Design scope & services. Team members can provide Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) budgets for this service.

Rates for additional furniture design, planning & specification services available at a cost:
All time for OWP Design professionals is billable. Billable time begins as soon as project work commences, immediately after budgetary conversations are complete. These services can be proposed on a project basis or billed actual, depending on project scope. Billable Design services include travel from OWP locations to and from meetings, project meetings, calls, project research and documentation time.

Costs for this service are only incurred as outlined in an approved quotation, proposal or other official agreement between UCSF and Workplace. UCSF staff will be made aware that time, product or services are billable prior to commencement of work.

One Workplace design rate of 80 dollars per hour