Undistributed Supplier Refund Checks

Questions? Contact SCM Response Team


Guidance on locating and processing supplier refund checks.

Accounts Payable distributes refund checks from suppliers according to the information provided on the checks. In some instances, there is insufficient information on the check and the supplier is unable to provide any additional information to determine the department that should receive the refund.

These "undistributed refund checks" are:

  • Deposited into UCSF’s Bank of America account #XXXXX23601 and recorded to the UCSF General Ledger in Account 20517 (A/P-unidentified vendor refund)
  • Departments review list of Undistributed Refund Checks and identify checks that should be distributed to them
  • Departments may claim a refund check by sending an email to Accounts Payable. Include the following supporting documentation:
    • Supplier invoice number(s) corresponding to amount of the refund
    • Correspondence between the vendor and the department
    • Any other relevant documentation that supports the department’s claim
  • After 60 days, any unclaimed funds will be transferred to the Chancellor’s account

Undistributed Checks

As of December 10, 2024

Jrnl IDJrnl DtVendorCheck#$ AmountDate Posted(Sched) Write-Off Date
04TNA000310/15/24QEUNCH USA218692(15.28)2/11/254/1/25