Country codes list.
Country Codes for MyExpense
MyExpense pays non-employee (guest) expense reimbursements for their official UCSF business travel through checks issued in US Dollars. If the guests are in a foreign country, you must confirm they can accept a check payment in US Dollars mailed through the US Postal Service to their address. If they can accept a mailed US Dollar check, you can submit the expense report in MyExpense. You will need to enter a Country Code when specifying the address in the expense report. Please see the list below for the codes. It is the responsibility of the person submitting and approving the expense report to verify that the address is correct and belongs to the guest.
If the guest is not able to accept a mailed check in US Dollars or requires payment to be made in foreign currency, the payment can be made via wire. The expense reimbursement is not submitted in MyExpense. Instead, complete a Travel Expense Voucher and submit the request on the BearBuy Payment Request Form. Please see instructions for details.
Code | Description |
ABW | Aruba |
AFG | Afghanistan |
AGO | Angola |
AIA | Anguilla |
ALB | Albania |
AND | Andorra |
ANT | Netherlands Antilles |
ARE | United Arab Emirates |
ARG | Argentina |
ARM | Armenia |
ASM | American Samoa |
ATA | Antarctica |
ATF | French Southern Territories |
ATG | Antigua and Barbuda |
AUS | Australia |
AUT | Austria |
AZE | Azerbaijan |
BDI | Burundi |
BEL | Belgium |
BEN | Benin |
BFA | Burkina Faso |
BGD | Bangladesh |
BGR | Bulgaria |
BHR | Bahrain |
BHS | Bahamas |
BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
BLM | Saint Barthelemy |
BLR | Belarus |
BLZ | Belize |
BMU | Bermuda |
BOL | Bolivia |
BRA | Brazil |
BRB | Barbados |
BRN | Brunei Darussalam |
BTN | Bhutan |
BVT | Bouvet Island |
BWA | Botswana |
CAF | Central African Republic |
CAN | Canada |
CCK | Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
CHE | Switzerland |
CHL | Chile |
CHN | China |
CIV | Cote D'Ivoire |
CMR | Cameroon |
COD | Congo, The Democratic Republic |
COG | Congo |
COK | Cook Islands |
COL | Colombia |
COM | Comoros |
CPV | Cape Verde |
CRI | Costa Rica |
CUB | Cuba |
CUW | Curacao |
CXR | Christmas Island |
CYM | Cayman Islands |
CYP | Cyprus |
CZE | Czech Republic |
DEU | Germany |
DJI | Djibouti |
DMA | Dominica |
DNK | Denmark |
DOM | Dominican Republic |
DZA | Algeria |
ECU | Ecuador |
EGY | Egypt |
ERI | Eritrea |
ESH | Western Sahara |
ESP | Spain |
EST | Estonia |
ETH | Ethiopia |
FIN | Finland |
FJI | Fiji |
FLK | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) |
FRA | France |
FRO | Faroe Islands |
FSM | Micronesia, Federated States |
GAB | Gabon |
GBR | United Kingdom |
GEO | Georgia |
GGY | Guernsey |
GHA | Ghana |
GIB | Gibraltar |
GIN | Guinea |
GLP | Guadeloupe |
GMB | Gambia |
GNB | Guinea-Bissau |
GNQ | Equatorial Guinea |
GRC | Greece |
GRD | Grenada |
GRL | Greenland |
GTM | Guatemala |
GUF | French Guiana |
GUM | Guam |
GUY | Guyana |
HKG | Hong Kong |
HMD | Heard and McDonald Islands |
HND | Honduras |
HRV | Croatia |
HTI | Haiti |
HUN | Hungary |
IDN | Indonesia |
IMN | Isle of Man |
IND | India |
IOT | British Indian Ocean Territory |
IRL | Ireland |
IRN | Iran (Islamic Republic Of) |
IRQ | Iraq |
ISL | Iceland |
ISR | Israel |
ITA | Italy |
JAM | Jamaica |
JEY | Jersey |
JOR | Jordan |
JPN | Japan |
KAZ | Kazakhstan |
KEN | Kenya |
KGZ | Kyrgyzstan |
KHM | Cambodia |
KIR | Kiribati |
KNA | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
KOR | Korea, Republic of |
KOS | Kosovo |
KWT | Kuwait |
LAO | Lao People's Democratic Rep |
LBN | Lebanon |
LBR | Liberia |
LBY | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya |
LCA | Saint Lucia |
LIE | Liechtenstein |
LKA | Sri Lanka |
LSO | Lesotho |
LTU | Lithuania |
LUX | Luxembourg |
LVA | Latvia |
MAC | Macau |
MAF | Saint Martin (French Part) |
MAR | Morocco |
MCO | Monaco |
MDA | Moldova, Republic of |
MDG | Madagascar |
MDV | Maldives |
MEX | Mexico |
MHL | Marshall Islands |
MKD | Fmr Yugoslav Rep of Macedonia |
MLI | Mali |
MLT | Malta |
MMR | Myanmar |
MNE | Montenegro |
MNG | Mongolia |
MNP | Northern Mariana Islands |
MOZ | Mozambique |
MRT | Mauritania |
MSR | Montserrat |
MTQ | Martinique |
MUS | Mauritius |
MWI | Malawi |
MYS | Malaysia |
MYT | Mayotte |
NAM | Namibia |
NCL | New Caledonia |
NER | Niger |
NFK | Norfolk Island |
NGA | Nigeria |
NIC | Nicaragua |
NIU | Niue |
NLD | Netherlands |
NOR | Norway |
NPL | Nepal |
NRU | Nauru |
NZL | New Zealand |
OMN | Oman |
PAK | Pakistan |
PAN | Panama |
PCN | Pitcairn |
PER | Peru |
PHL | Philippines |
PLW | Palau |
PNG | Papua New Guinea |
POL | Poland |
PRI | Puerto Rico |
PRK | Korea, Democratic People's Rep |
PRT | Portugal |
PRY | Paraguay |
PSE | The State of Palestine |
PYF | French Polynesia |
QAT | Qatar |
REU | Reunion |
ROU | Romania |
RUS | Russian Federation |
RWA | Rwanda |
SAU | Saudi Arabia |
SDN | Sudan |
SEN | Senegal |
SGP | Singapore |
SGS | Sth Georgia & Sth Sandwich Is |
SHN | Saint Helena |
SJM | Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
SLB | Solomon Islands |
SLE | Sierra Leone |
SLV | El Salvador |
SMR | San Marino |
SOM | Somalia |
SPM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
SRB | Republic of Serbia |
SSD | South Sudan |
STP | Sao Tome and Principe |
SUR | Suriname |
SVK | Slovakia |
SVN | Slovenia |
SWE | Sweden |
SWZ | Swaziland |
SXM | Sint Maarten (Dutch Part) |
SYC | Seychelles |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic |
TCA | Turks and Caicos Islands |
TCD | Chad |
TGO | Togo |
THA | Thailand |
TJK | Tajikistan |
TKL | Tokelau |
TKM | Turkmenistan |
TMP | East Timor |
TON | Tonga |
TTO | Trinidad and Tobago |
TUN | Tunisia |
TUR | Turkey |
TUV | Tuvalu |
TWN | Taiwan, Province of China |
TZA | Tanzania, United Republic of |
UGA | Uganda |
UKR | Ukraine |
UMI | US Minor Outlying Islands |
URY | Uruguay |
USA | United States |
UZB | Uzbekistan |
VAT | Holy See (Vatican City State) |
VCT | St Vincent and the Grenadines |
VEN | Venezuela |
VGB | Virgin Islands (British) |
VIR | Virgin Islands (U.S.) |
VNM | Viet Nam |
VUT | Vanuatu |
WLF | Wallis and Futuna Islands |
WSM | Samoa |
YEM | Yemen |
YUG | Yugoslavia |
ZAF | South Africa |
ZMB | Zambia |
ZWE | Zimbabwe |