
Questions? Contact SCM Response Team


Contacts and Resources.

Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable (AP) assists in successfully requesting, approving, procuring and receiving goods and services per University of California policies.  

Address: 1855 Folsom Street, Box 0812, San Francisco, CA 94143
"Bill to" Address: University of California, San Francisco, Attn. Accounts Payable, Box 0812, San Francisco, CA 94143-0812
Invoices should be submitted through Transcepta. Get details here.
Need help? Contact the SCM Response Team 


BearBuy is the tool used by the UCSF campus community to purchase goods and services. 

For BearBuy support, how-to help, contact the IT Service Desk at (415) 514-4100 (Option 2) or [email protected] or visit our BearBuy frequently asked questions page

Buying Furniture

Supply Chain Management (SCM) and One Workplace/Steelcase recently signed a new comprehensive, five-year contract for furniture products and services. Details can be found on the SCM furniture web page.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (415) 476-9583
One Workplace Contact: Melissa Kubit

Campus Buyers List

Each UCSF department is assigned a Supply Chain Management (SCM) or Finance Service Center (FSC) Buyer to assist departments with high value and restricted orders.

Address: 1855 Folsom Street, Box 0910, San Francisco, CA 94103
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (415) 502-3047

Card Program Services

Card Program Services manages the Procurement Card Program and the Corporate Travel Card.

The Procurement Card is a University business credit card (U.S. Bank Visa) for purchases of low-value goods or services (to not exceed $4,999). No travel or entertainment expenses may be paid for with the P-Card and only the individual cardholder may use his/her card.

The Corporate Travel Card is available to employees who travel on official University businesses, and should be used only for University related travel expenses, or local meeting and entertainment related expenses.

Email: [email protected]
U.S. Bank Customer Service: 800-344-5696
Procurement Card Website:
Travel card website:

Controller's Office

The Controller's Office vision is to be a trusted advisor working in partnership with faculty, staff and students to enhance the financial stewardship of the campus and to uphold the public's trust in the institution and mission of UCSF.  Units of the Controller’s Office include: Accounting and Reporting, Contracts and Grants Accounting, and Payroll. 

Address: 1855 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
Email: [email protected]
For more information, see the Controller's Office Contacts By Service page.

Equipment Maintenance Insurance Program (EMIP) or Risk Management

The UC EMIP offers up to 25 percent savings on an annual contract for equipment maintenance and repair, while allowing you to choose which company will perform the maintenance and repair.

Email: [email protected] 
Phone: (415) 476-3460 / (415) 502-3023
REMI Contact: Adam Schuster, (916) 223-2510

Sales and Use Tax

UCSF is not exempt from sales tax in most cases. For information on Sales and Use Tax, visit the Controller’s Office website:

California (CA) Partial Sales & Use Tax Exemption: Through July 1, 2030, the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) is offering a reduced sales/use tax rate on equipment purchased for research.

For more information, please visit: 

Controller’s Office 

Strategic Sourcing

By using collaborative methods, supported by e-commerce tools and data analysis, Strategic Sourcing optimizes spend and purchasing activities across different campus units and the University of California system, creating significant savings for the University.

How it Works
For each commodity, a team of purchasing professionals:

  • Studies the expenditures, usage rate data, life-cycle costs, targeted savings, and other factors
  • Combines the data from all campus units
  • Creates solicitations and/or negotiations
  • Awards and issues contracts to be used by all or multiple campuses
  • The initiative also strives to comply with UC Sustainability Policies and Best Practices by incorporating environmentally friendly products and services.

As a UCSF employee, you can access UC Systemwide and Campus agreements in BearBuy and/or CalUSource. Learn how to view contracts.

UC Systemwide and Campus Agreements
If you require assistance with suppliers with which UC has executed agreements, please contact UCSF Strategic Sourcing directly with any questions or concerns regarding supplier’s products, technical support, personnel and services. We will work with the suppliers to resolve any issues and, if necessary, initiate any escalation of systemwide agreement issues to UCOP Strategic Sourcing.

Supplier Diversity and Small Business

It is the policy of the University of California, consistent with State and Federal Law, to optimize opportunities for business contracting with small and diverse business enterprises in the areas of purchasing, construction, and design and other professional services provided to the University.

Address: 1855 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, Box 0910

Supplier Registration

The process of adding new suppliers or updating current supplier information in the UCSF supplier database is managed by Supplier Registration in Supply Chain Management.

Address: 1855 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, Box 0910
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (415) 476-5761

UCOP Policies

University of California policy information is issued by the Office of the President and implemented by campus offices. Publishing of systemwide policy information is coordinated by the University Policy Office. At UCSF the Responsible Office with corresponding areas within its purview is responsible for enforcing systemwide policies by issuing local guidelines, procedures, and delegations of authority. 

Address: 513 Parnassus Avenue, Medical Sciences, S-24, San Francisco, CA 94143, Box 0402
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (415) 476-4317