Virtual Credit Card (Payment Plus)

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Payment Plus, a supplier payment method where payments are applied to a bank credit card held by supplier.

About Payment Plus Virtual Credit Card

Virtual Credit Card (Payment Plus) is UCSF’s preferred electronic method for issuing payments to suppliers. Virtual Credit Card (Payment Plus) uses a Visa card program to offer our suppliers a payment solution designed to provide fast, secure payment receipt while improving efficiency and reducing the cost of processing paper checks.

Virtual Credit Card (Payment Plus) is managed and guaranteed by US Bank, offers suppliers fraud protection, and an option for immediate payment. By adding the Virtual Credit Card (Payment Plus) program, UCSF is taking a proactive approach to protect suppliers’ banking information, reducing the risk of fraud from supplier impersonation.


Benefits to Suppliers

  • Expedited payments – Virtual Visa card allows supplier payment to be issued at Net 0 upon correct and complete invoice approval.
  • Secure delivery of automated payments to suppliers
  • Improved cash flow
  • Streamlined process – Reduces internal processing and transaction costs by eliminating paper-based processes, including check processing and associated reconciliation efforts
  • Real-time notifications for each card payment
  • Complete remittance detail to support efficient receivables posting

How it Works

Upon enrolling, suppliers receive an automated email notification for each payment. These emails contain a link to a secure web portal where you will obtain a unique Visa credit card number, the amount to charge and the other details of the transaction needed to process and reconcile supplier payments.

The card can then be used by the supplier to receive immediate funds to clear the amount due. The credit card account will change with each payment so suppliers will not need to keep this information on file.

Payments will be processed as Visa credit card transactions, so standard merchant fees will apply.

To Enroll

To enroll in the Virtual Credit Card (Payment Plus) program, please have an authorized company representative contact [email protected].

Payment Plus Support Help Desk

The Virtual Credit Card (Payment Plus) Supplier Support Help Desk provides general assistance regarding processing and functionality. They can help with the following:

  • Credential text or payment link issues
  • Update contact email
  • Declined transaction issues
  • Additional supplier inquiries

Contact the Virtual Credit Card (Payment Plus) Support Help Desk via telephone at (855) 268-5386 or email at [email protected]

Contact the Payment Plus Support Help Desk via telephone at
(855) 268-5386 or email at [email protected]


Virtual Credit Card (Payment Plus) FAQ