UC Health: Retirement Party Reimbursement Guide

This is a step-by-step guide for UC Health staff navigating the retirement party reimbursement process in MyExpense.

Approval Process

UC Health has an exceptional approval process in place for retirement party reimbursements. This process must be followed when submitting an expense report for this type of reimbursement.

The following three individuals together are involved in the approval process:

  • Alma A. Garcia
  • Katharine Tull
  • James Wentz

When creating your expense report in MyExpense, these individuals will be selected as approvers during the expense report-creation process.


Required Forms

The following form must be completed for retirement party reimbursements: Pre-Authorization Form for Planning Employee Morale-Building Events & Activities. Once the form is complete, you will add it as an attachment in MyExpense to your expense report before submitting it. Failure to do so will result in your expense report being returned to you.


Missing Receipts

Always ensure that you have your itemized receipts showing that you paid for the expense. If you lose or misplace receipts, you must attach a completed Declaration of Missing Receipt Form to your expense report.