Guidance on expense reimbursement process, defines types of reimbursement and gives guidance on expense reporting policies. See the Travel section of this website for more specifics on travel expenses.
Reimbursement Deadline
Expense reports should be submitted within 45 days after the completion of the trip or last purchase date. When a trip lasts more than 90 days, a quarterly report is required. Employee reimbursement requests submitted after 60 days will be reported as taxable income.
It is the responsibility of the employee being reimbursed to ensure timely submission, whether they self-submit or have a delegate submit on their behalf. To avoid tax consequences, employees are encouraged to adhere to the 45-day submission deadline, allowing sufficient time for review and approval.
Approvers should ensure timely approval of expense reports and confirm the accuracy of the dates entered in the MyExpense system.
The Controller’s Office has implemented changes to ensure accurate identification of late expense reports, including the addition of the “End of Trip/Last Purchase Date” field in MyExpense. Despite ongoing efforts to address late submissions, the issue persists, highlighting the importance of compliance with these guidelines.
Please share this information with all employees involved in expense reimbursement processes and contact the Supply Chain Management Response Team for further inquiries.
Note: Employee Moving and Relocation expenses, including expenses paid directly by the University, are reported as taxable income.
Expense Reimbursement Categories and Guidelines
Follow the guidelines below to request reimbursement through MyExpense or email a Travel Expense Voucher (TEV) to [email protected]
Expense Category | Submission Method | Reimbursement Guidelines, what's reimbursable? | Receipt Requirements |
Meeting & Entertainment | MyExpense* | Allowable Meeting & Entertainment Expenses |
Travel |
| |
Employee Moving & Relocation | Travel Expense Voucher (TEV) | Reimbursement Claims for Employee Moving & Relocation Expenses |
Awards & Gifts to Employees | MyExpense* | Allowable Awards & Gifts |
Gifts presented to a Non-Employee | MyExpense* | Allowable Gifts |
Business expenses paid by an Employee | MyExpense* |
| |
Uniform Allowance | MyExpense* |
| |
Tuition Reimbursement | MyExpense* | Guidance for Professional Development Support |
*Do not use MyExpense for the following: For wire payment to a foreign individual, submit a Travel Expense Voucher (TEV). For payment to a supplier, including a temporary employee or contractor hired through an agency, use your BearBuy Purchase Order (PO).
Travel Expense Voucher (TEV)
Submit a Travel Expense Voucher (TEV) to claim reimbursement for employee relocation expenses (and associated travel expenses) or to claim any reimbursement that requires wire payment to a foreign individual.
Learn more about the Travel Expense Voucher.
MyExpense Overview
MyExpense is the UCSF automated reimbursement system for employee travel and non-travel expenses (except employee relocation) and guest travel expenses (payment in USD only).
MyExpense is accessible through UCSF MyAccess.
- Employees are automatically granted access to MyExpense.
- Students may need to request access to MyExpense.
- Non-UCSF employees and Non-UCSF students (e.g. affiliates, guests, volunteers) cannot access MyExpense, but a UCSF department may submit a Guest expense report through MyExpense on their behalf. NOTE: Non-UCSF employees such as affiliates and contract employees may be granted Delegate access to MyExpense to submit expense reports on behalf of others. The department’s Business Officer or Financial Administrator can email the person’s name, UCSF ID, and the business reason for the access to [email protected].
- For payment to a temporary employee or contractor hired through an agency or payment to a supplier, please have them request reimbursement by invoicing your BearBuy Purchase Order (PO); do not submit a claim through MyExpense.
- Chrome (preferred)
- Microsoft Edge
- Safari
Orange WalkMe user support elements are featured on the MyExpense system. The WalkMe guidance can help you navigate common expense reporting process steps.
All expense reports must be approved by a Department Authorized Approver. This role is granted automatically to UCSF Department Heads, Business Officers, Health C-Level/SVPs, and Health Executive Directors.
Department Heads can delegate approval authority to others using the MyExpense Delegation of Approval Authority Form. Email the completed, signed form to [email protected].
As a best practice, exceptions to UC policy should be avoided. However, if expense reports contain expenses that are exceptions to policy, then an Exceptional Approver will need to review and approve (or deny) the expense. Exceptional Approvers are delegated by the Chancellor to approve policy exceptions. Only specifically designated individuals with the delegated authority may consider and grant exceptions. Please see the UCSF Travel and Entertainment Approval Matrix for a list of approvers for your control point/school.
Each control point/school may have a business process to obtain approvals. Please consult your Exceptional Approver on the specific process for obtaining approvals.
If your MyExpense expense report requires Exceptional Approval, add the Exceptional Approver to the expense report workflow after your department’s Authorized Approver, but before the Back Office Approval Step (if any). Refer to Submit the Expense Report (and add Approvers) for step-by-step instructions.
Training and Webinars
SAP Concur Mobile App for MyExpense
The SAP Concur mobile app is easy to use and can help you create, approve and manage your MyExpense claims from your iOS or Android smartphone. The ExpenseIt feature in the Concur mobile app allows for photo upload and management of receipts.
- Download the app from the Apple App Store or Android Google Play.
Expense Reimbursement FAQ
Expense Reimbursement Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I need help with reporting expenses, what assistance is available?
A: The orange WalkMe user support elements are featured throughout the MyExpense system. WalkMe is designed to guide users through common expense reporting process steps. For support beyond the user interface (i.e. policy questions) you can create a support ticket for the SCM Response Team.
Q: What is considered a valid receipt? / What information must be included on the receipt?
A: A valid receipt will show the specifics of the purchase—what was purchased, when, where, the amount, and proof of payment. It will also show all sales tax and fees incurred. Generally, the person making the purchase possesses the receipt, which substantiates who should be reimbursed; however, certain types of expense require additional detail:
- Airline expenses require an airline itinerary showing last four digits of credit card payment, itemization of expenses (sales tax and fees), seat class information, proof of payment, flight path.
- Lodging expenses require a hotel folio with itemization of all expenses, method of payment, and zero balance.
- Rental car expenses require an itemized receipt showing rental car class, method of payment, and zero balance.
- Registration fees require an itemized receipt.
Q: Is a credit card statement an acceptable receipt?
A: No.
Q: What should I do if I lost my receipt?
Airlines, hotels, and rental car agencies can typically provide a duplicate receipt, if you lost or misplaced the receipt. If you cannot obtain a duplicate receipt or an itemized original receipt is not available, please attach the Declaration of Missing Receipt Form to your expense report.
Q: What other documentation may be required?
- Typically, you should attach supporting documentation to justify business-related travel or meetings/entertainment, such as a conference brochure, agenda, invitation, or flyer. For details, please review Travel - Supporting Documentation or Meeting & Entertainment Expenses.
Q: Who can approve exceptional expenses?
Only specifically designated individuals with the delegated authority may consider and grant exceptions. Please see the UCSF Travel and Entertainment Approval Matrix for a list of approvers.
Expense Reimbursement Forms
- Declaration of Missing Receipt Form
- Travel Expense Voucher (TEV) - DOMESTIC
- Travel Expense Voucher (TEV) - FOREIGN
- Signature Authorization or Cancellation (U242)
- MyExpense Delegation of Approval Authority Form
- MyExpense Report Request Form