Department-Assigned Buyers

Questions? Contact SCM Response Team


Search for department assigned buyers (find your assigned buyer) using this updated listing.

Each UCSF campus department is assigned a Supply Chain Management (SCM) buyer to assist with high value and restricted orders. The buyer primarily reviews BearBuy purchase requisitions for compliance and assists the campus department with procurement functions, such as competitive bids or contract review/signature. The buyer is delegated signature authority by the UCSF Chief Procurement Officer to execute agreements (contracts) committing the University to a purchase of goods and/or services.*

Department-Assigned Buyer Search

Department-Assigned Buyer Search

What can my Buyer help me with?

  • Procurement/Purchasing policy interpretation
  • Competitive Bidding
  • Contract review/signature
  • HIPAA or Business Associates Agreement (BAA)
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Capital Equipment Purchase/Lease
  • Facility Rental
  • Fair Wage/Fair Work
  • Insurance / Certificate of Insurance

What questions should NOT go to my Buyer?

For assistance with invoices, payment status, supplier registration, or BearBuy how-to help and technical support, please open a ticket with the SCM Response Team.

*Only individuals with properly delegated authority may execute agreements committing the University to a purchase of goods and/or services. Individuals with properly delegated authority are issued a signed “Delegation Letter” from the UCSF Chief Procurement Officer indicating they are authorized to execute agreements. Departmental staff and principal investigators/faculty have very likely not received such a delegation and are not authorized to sign such agreements.