New! UCSF Logistics Photo Capture Proof of Delivery

logistics staff using new photo scanner for package delivery
Jeremiah Yoo

Over the last few months, you may have noticed something different from the Supply Chain Management (SCM) Logistics couriers delivering packages across campus. Logistics recently rolled out the Photo Capture Proof of Delivery feature, meaning we now take pictures of packages and gases at the point of delivery to UCSF customers. Prior to the COVID pandemic, Logistics couriers would obtain electronic customer signatures but discontinued the practice and transitioned to annotating a staff member name in their handheld devices who was present when a delivery was made. With the implementation of this new feature, Logistics now takes pictures showing the location as well as the time and date of the 500 packages and 200 gas cylinders delivered daily. Photo capture proof of delivery is a logistics best practice which improves accountability and should give UCSF customers increased confidence in Logistics delivery service.    

Handling of all these new delivery confirmation photos and making them accessible to UCSF customers was no small technical feat. The Photo Capture Proof of Delivery feature development was led by David Grubbe and Andrew Alcazar from the SCM Systems team who worked over a year through development and system integration, operational business rules implementation, as well as teaming with Campus Life Services Information Technology to ensure 100% security compliance. They also led the training of the new feature with Logistics couriers, like Parnassus distribution team member Jeremiah Yoo, seen in this photo making a delivery.  

With the increased amount of UCSF customers working away from the office, photo capture proof of delivery enables Logistics couriers to make more successful first-time deliveries and eliminates the need for multiple delivery attempts should no one be available to receive the delivery. Jeremiah sees photo capture as a positive change, most importantly, because of the assurance the photo provides the customer of the delivery.

“I see photo capture as a positive change, most importantly, because of the assurance the photo provides the customer of the delivery.” – Jerimiah Yoo, Logistics Services, Parnassus Distribution Team

For more information on package delivery and photo capture proof of delivery, please visit UCSF Package Delivery Program
