Supplier Diversity Update and Reminder

Supplier Diversity Update and Reminder

UCSF continues to commit to making strides in impactful purchasing. To date, our supplier diversity and inclusion program has demonstrated increases in diverse spend. During fiscal year 22/23, campus goods and services spent over $621 million with over $118 million counted toward a certified small and/or diverse supplier and total diverse percentage closing at 19.01 percent. UCSF is on its way to reaching its 25 percent diverse spend goal with all qualifying addressable procurements of goods and services. A big thank you to the continued support of the Supplier Diversity and Inclusion team, Value Improvement Project team and the Procurement Anchor Institution Mission team.

Remember, supplier diversity and inclusion are a strategic way to make our supply chain more accessible for growth. We continue to pave pathways for minorities, women, and marginalized groups to gain access to compete for procurement opportunities. Our various outreach efforts have supported navigation around small and diverse business certification, systemwide database onboarding and, most importantly, identifying the resources available to make procurement decisions that align with UCSF’s mission and PRIDE values.

Please continue to use the Supplier Diversity tools in BearBuy to source certified small and diverse suppliers and make your purchases count toward our diverse spend goals. We encourage everyone to purchase from certified small and diverse business wherever possible.

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