Suppliers in BearBuy

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BearBuy is the system of record for all active, registered suppliers which have been cleared to do business with UCSF campus entities.


Catalog and Punch-Out Suppliers

UCSF Procurement has negotiated terms with dozens of popular suppliers. These suppliers have tiles on the BearBuy home page where shoppers may engage directly with their sales catalogs. These suppliers may offer volume or other discounts, and their terms and conditions meet UCSF standards.

Other Registered Suppliers

Beyond the suppliers with negotiated terms, BearBuy houses contact information on thousands of active registered suppliers who are cleared to do business with UCSF providing their transactions comply with our terms and conditions. Contact information for these supplier can be located by using the BearBuy Advanced Search function, or by browsing suppliers using the link above the search bar on the BearBuy home page.

Supplier Registration

All suppliers must be registered with UCSF in order to do business. For more information on supplier registration and the requirements to do business with UCSF, see Suppliers.