UCSF Implementing Higher Threshold for Federally Funded Purchases

UCSF Implementing Higher Threshold for Federally Funded Purchases

Federally Funded micro-purchase threshold for grants and cooperative agreements increasing from $10,000 to $50,000.

To streamline purchasing and improve efficiency at UCSF, the SCM Strategic Procurement Team is raising our Federal Funded micro-purchase threshold for grants and cooperative agreements from $10,000 to $50,000. Starting September 1, 2024, the PDF form will be updated to reflect this update. 

The micro-purchase threshold is the dollar amount under which UCSF can make direct purchases without a detailed justification for the vendor choice and price. Previously, any federally funded order exceeding $10,000 required documentation of how the supplier was chosen and proof that the price was reasonable. With the new threshold of $50,000, we will be able to skip these justifications, expediting the purchasing process while maintaining our commitment to fiscal responsibility and compliance.

Please note, Federal law only permits this change to federally funded orders originating from grants and cooperative agreements. Federal contracts and non-federally funded orders will continue to operate under their existing threshold. Federally funded Contracts will continue to require justifications when the requisition exceeds $10,000 and non-federally funded orders will require justifications when above $100,000.

Our SCM response team is available to answer any questions or concerns you might have about this new policy. 

Thank you for your attention to this important update. Our goal is always to serve the UCSF community as efficiently and effectively as possible, and we believe this change will greatly contribute to that mission.

Questions about this article? Contact SCM Response Team