UC Health: Morale-Building Events Reimbursement Guide

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Guidance on reimbursement for morale-building event expenses.

UC Health has an exceptional approval process in place for morale-building events (non-retirement). This process must be followed when submitting an expense report for this type of reimbursement.

Required Forms

The following form must be completed for reimbursements: Pre-Authorization Form for Planning Employee Morale-Building Events & Activities. Once the form is complete, you will add it as an attachment in MyExpense to your expense report before submitting it. Failure to do so will result in your expense report being returned to you.

Missing Receipts

Always ensure that you have your itemized receipts showing that you paid for the expense. If you lose or misplace receipts, you must attach a completed Declaration of Missing Receipt Form to your expense report.

Creating an Expense Report for a Morale-Building Event

The following steps will guide you through the expense report creation process for a morale building event reimbursement.

  1. Log into MyAccess and select the MyExpense link to open the application. (Note: You may need to click the Manage Favorites button in UCSF MyAccess to view the complete list of applications.)

     illustration of logging into MyAccess
  2. Click on the Expense link in the navigation bar (may also select + New within the Quick Task Bar followed by Start A Report).


    screenshot of start a report window in MyExpense
  3. The Report Header will now display.

    screen shot of step four in MyExpense
  4. Create a name for your report in the Report Name field.

    screen shot of step five in MyExpense
  5. From the Policy dropdown menu, select UCSF Standard Expense Policy (will be selected by default).

    screen shot of step six in MyExpense
  6. For the End of Trip/Last Purchase Date input the date of when the expenses were paid.

    screen shot of step seven in MyExpense
  7. In the Business Purpose field, provide a detailed business purpose for the expenses.

    screen shot of step eight in MyExpense
  8. Select the appropriate Business Unit from the dropdown menu.

    screen shot of step nine in MyExpense
  9. Select or enter the appropriate cost center in the Department ID field.

    screen shot of step 10 in MyExpense
  10. Enter the appropriate Speed Type (cost center) into the Speed Type.

    screen shot of step 11 in MyExpense 

    If there is not a Speed Type to use for the expense, complete the fields for Fund, Project, Activity Period, Function, and Flex Field (if applicable).

    screen shot of step 11 part 2 in MyExpense
  11. Select Entertainment/Meeting Expenses from the Expense Type dropdown menu.

    screen shot of step 12 in MyExpense 
  12. In the Comment field, enter any additional justification or other information for expense approvers to review if needed.

    screen shot of step 13 in MyExpense
  13. Click on the Next button to start entering line items for your expense report. .

    screen shot of step 14 in MyExpense
  14. Click on the Add Expense button. 

    screen shot of step 15 in MyExpense
  15. Scroll to the Entertainment/Meeting Expense section under the Create New Expense Tab.

    screen shot of step 16 in MyExpense
  16. Select the appropriate type of expense from the list within the Entertainment/Meeting Expense section (use the scroll bar to review all the available options).

    screen shot of step 17 in MyExpense 
  17. Complete the required fields marked with a red asterisk.

    screen shot of step 18 in MyExpense
  18. Check the Checkbox if this is an exceptional expense. (Comment required) option and input a comment regarding the expense.

    screen shot of step 19 in MyExpense
  19. Click on the Upload Receipt Image tile and attach a receipt that includes both the bill receipt and a signed receipt copy that shows payment method and amount paid.

    screen shot of step 20 in MyExpense screen shot of step 20 part 2 in MyExpense
  20. Click on the Add Receipt button and upload your completed Pre-Authorization Form for Planning Employee Morale-Building Events & Activities.

    screenshot of step 20 in MyExpense
  21. Click on the Attendees link.

    screenshot of step 22 in MyExpense 
  22. Click on the Add button and add all the appropriate event attendees.

    screenshot of step 23 in MyExpense
  23. When done, click on the Save button.

    screenshot of step 24 in MyExpense
  24. Click on the Save Expense button.

    screenshot of step 25 in MyExpense
  25. Click on the Submit Report button.

    screenshot of step 26 in MyExpense
  26. Click on the Accept & Continue button when finished reading the certification agreement.

    screenshot of certification notice in MyExpense
  27. A Report Totals box will display showing an overview of the reimbursement amounts.

    screenshot of report totals window in MyExpense
  28. Confirm everything is accurate and click on the Submit Report button.

    screenshot of submit report window in MyExpense
  29. An Edit Approval Flow window will display.

    screenshot of edit approval flow window in MyExpense
  30. Select your Default and Authorized Approvers in your department. You can also add any approvals required by Health and/or your department. Check with your management on any additional approvals.
  31. Click on the +Add Step below your department Authorized Approver.
  32. Select James Wentz  as a User Added Approver.

    Image removed.
  33. Click on the Submit Report button when done.

    screenshot of submit report button window in MyExpense