Book Travel to UCSF for Guests and Affiliates

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Guidelines for booking travel for guests and affiliates.


Travel Regulations, University Policy G-28, applies to all official University travel including non-employees such as visitors, students, visiting scholars, independent contractors, etc. Before your make any travel arrangements, be sure you review and understand University Policy G-28, to ensure that travel costs can be paid and reimbursed. Important topics include restrictions on State funded travel; limits on transportation, lodging, meals and incidental expenses (including expense maximum allowable caps); required trip registration and insurance; and expense documentation requirements.

Travel arrangements can be made for guests (non-UC employees) and third-party affiliates by selecting the guest template in Connexxus. Note that you will be prompted to enter the traveler’s name as it appears on their official government photo ID such as a driver’s license for domestic travel and passport for international travel. You should obtain the traveler’s cell phone number for airline and/or travel agency updates.

Departments can also reimburse a guest for their travel expenses. A requester must use the delegated reporter option to submit expenses on behalf of someone else. Be sure to check the upper left corner of your MyExpense screen to see your reporter status. Use the UCSF guest expense policy option in MyExpense to submit a reimbursement request on the guest’s behalf. 

It is the department’s responsibility to report the guest’s actual travel expenses within 45 days of the End of Trip/Last Purchase Date to ensure timely reporting of expenses.