Exceptional Invoices (Transcepta Exclusions) for Departments

Questions? Contact SCM Response Team


Transcepta is the preferred method for submitting invoices, there are some exceptional circumstances where alternative methods are necessary. Below are details for departments. 

Transcepta Exclusions

Follow invoicing instructions on purchasing documents, or contact SCM Response Team if your invoice cannot be processed through Transcepta because it is one of the following types of transactions:

Purchase Order Invoices

  • Facility Rentals invoices
  • Facility Rental supplemental forms
  • Invoices from other universities
  • Foreign suppliers that bill in foreign currency or foreign suppliers who are not able to understand how to submit invoices through Transcepta
  • Suppliers who have accessibility needs and may not be able to submit invoices through Transcepta
  • BearBuy catalog/punch-out suppliers sending invoices directly into BearBuy
  • Cell phone bills – submit through the BearBuy payment request form

Non-Purchase Order Invoices


  • Unsuccessful invoice submission inquiries should be directed to Transcepta. 
  • Suppliers should escalate to their department contact only if the related PO or other document requires their correction in order to match invoice.