Requesting Advance Payments

Questions? Contact SCM Response Team


Guide for requesting advanced payments.

Generally, goods and services provided to the University are paid for after receipt. On occasion, it may be necessary to provide a known and reputable supplier with an advance payment (prepayment).

When advance payments may be acceptable

Specific instances where advanced payments are permissible (with proper approval):

  • Hotel deposits*
  • High-cost equipment manufactured to meet functional specifications
  • Books, periodicals and newspapers, including special order items for trade and professional publications
  • Customized goods/services that cannot be re-sold to others once work has started
  • Caterers for food and beverage service for large official functions where caterer requires a deposit
  • Research abroad: including deposits or expenses related to the research
  • Principal investigators and other research personnel who conduct research using human subjects and pay the subjects a small amount (check for entire amount is paid to the investigator or experiment controller)
  • Maintenance service contracts
  • Honoraria
  • Membership dues
  • Seminar and colloquia registration fees
  • Performing artists, when contract requires payment before performance begins

Designated Procurement Director approval is required for all advance payments outside the scope of those listed above.

Advance Payment Request Instructions

*Hotel deposits are an industry standard, skip these steps on your requisition—you will document hotel deposit details on your Facility Rental Form.


  1. After adding items to your BearBuy shopping cart, click the Proceed to Checkout button.
  2. On the Requisition Summary, click the Pencil icon next to the line item.
    Pencil icon next to the line
  3. Select "Yes" from the Advance Payment dropdown, and click Save.
    Advance Payment dropdown and Save button
  4. The line item is now marked for Advance Payment review.
    Advance Payment is Yes
  5. Repeat these steps for each line item that requires advance payment.
  6. Attach appropriate supporting documentation indicating the business need for the advance payment (or written confirmation of total cost, including tax, freight, & handling).
  7. Assign the cart to your department's Requester to complete the checkout process.
  8. Once the requisition is fully approved, the purchase order (PO) will be dispatched to the supplier.
  9. Payment will not be released to the supplier until the invoice is submitted to Accounts Payable. Please open a ticket with SCM Response Team to request to rush the payment *after* the invoice is submitted. If you don't open a ticket, the invoice will be paid according to the payment terms on the PO (such as Net 30).


  • Route to authorized department approver for all advance payments <$10k.
  • Designated Central Procurement Buyer approval is required for advance payments ≥$10k.


Reach out to the SCM Response Team with questions or support needs.