Department Guide to Transcepta FAQ

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Frequently asked questions from the UCSF campus community regarding Transcepta invoicing. 

Can UCSF employees submit invoices to Transcepta in order to submit invoices?

No, for audit control purposes the invoices must be submitted by the supplier directly to Transcepta.

How can I see my supplier’s invoice that is submitted to Transcepta?

Copies of supplier invoices are available at the top of the BearBuy voucher, next to the “Invoice Image” label. Click on the Invoice link to open a PDF copy of the supplier invoice. 

What instruction can I give to my suppliers to help promote electronic invoicing?

Inform suppliers who sell goods and services to UCSF Campus that Transcepta is the electronic invoicing standard at UCSF. The UCSF Transcepta site has video instructions and a link to a simple registration form.

Are there any invoices that do not go through Transcepta?

Yes. The SCM Accounts Payable email boxes can continue to be used for submitting internal UCSF forms such as check request forms, facility rental invoices with supplemental forms, relocation travel expense vouchers, signature cards, and subcontract invoices.

Continue to use BearBuy directly for requests for payments on the BearBuy Payment Request Forms, After the Fact Forms, and Meeting & Entertainment Payment Request Forms.

Learn more about Transcepta Exclusions.

Do I need special access to view my supplier invoice in BearBuy?

No. If you are able to view the BearBuy voucher, you are able to view the invoice.

Is there any change in the voucher approval process?

There is no change to the voucher approvals in BearBuy. Vouchers that are greater than $5,000 need to be approved by your department’s BearBuy Voucher Approver. Vouchers in match exception also need to be approved by your department’s BearBuy Match Exception Handler.

I want to approve of all invoices before they are paid. With Transcepta, how do I approve the invoices?

The campus is only required to approve high dollar invoices over $5,000 or invoices that are in match exception. All other invoices do not need approval prior to being paid. The best practice is to have all invoices sent directly from the supplier to Accounts Payable to be paid.

If you would like to review what the supplier is billing, you can work with the supplier to review their charges or approve their timesheets for services before suppliers can submit their invoices to Transcepta.

You can also use MyReports and review your ledgers regularly to ensure that charges on paid invoices are appropriate.

How will I know when an invoice is applied to my purchase order?

The purchase order owner can receive a BearBuy notification whenever an invoice is applied to any purchase orders a person owns. The person must be listed as the “PO Owner” on a purchase order to receive this notification.

To turn on this notification, go to user profile and navigate to Notification Preferencesà Accounts Payable.  Turn on the “Invoice submitted into Workflow” notification. More instructions are available in the BearBuy Profile Guide.

How do I prevent paying an invoice that I have an issue with the order?

If the invoice is pending BearBuy Voucher Approval or Match Exception approval, the voucher will not be paid until the voucher is approved.  If the supplier provides a new revised invoice with a new invoice number, you can reject the invoice and have the supplier resubmit a new invoice through Transcepta.

If the invoice does not need approval or has been paid, dispute the invoice with the supplier and request a credit for the incorrect charges. Credits can be sent by the supplier through Transcepta.

I normally write the BearBuy purchase order number on my invoice before submitting the invoice for payment. With Transcepta, how do I do that?

The supplier invoice must list the correct BearBuy purchase order on their invoices in order to be accepted by Transcepta and be paid. Invoicing standard can be found here.      

My purchase order is over-invoiced, but I still have invoices to pay. Can the supplier send invoices to over-invoiced purchase orders?

As a best practice to avoid delays in the invoicing process and payment, always ensure that your purchase orders have enough funds to pay for invoices. If your purchase order is running low on funds, you can submit a change order request to increase the funds or create a replacement purchase order before your purchase order runs out of funds.

Does Transcepta electronic invoicing include UCSF Health (Medical Center) invoices?

No. Transcepta electronic invoicing does not apply to UCSF Health (Medical Center) invoices.

Are subcontract invoices going through Transcepta?

No, subcontract invoices are not submitted through Transcepta. They should continue to be emailed to [email protected] site.

Where can I find more help with Transcepta?

Find helpful tips and tricks to guide you through using Transcepta on SCM Transcepta Tips & Tricks. This page in updated frequently with trending questions related to Transcepta.