All Tips & Tricks

How can I update the funding on a BearBuy voucher before the invoice is paid?

Open a ticket with the Supply Chain Management (SCM) Response Team. Provide the BearBuy voucher number (starts with the number 5), the new chartstring(s) and percentages (for split funding only).

Note: SCM cannot edit the funding on a paid invoice/voucher. You may be able to complete a journal through UCSF Controller’s Office.

If you expect to receive additional invoices on the purchase order (PO), submit a Change Order Request form to update the funding on the PO. These changes will apply to future invoices only.

May 17, 2023

Why was I charged fees for booking airfare with BCD Travel?

When booking with BCD Travel or UC Travel Center within Connexxus, additional fees may apply. However, it is important to note that Connexxus offers discounted UC-contract prices, as well as serves as a "one-stop shop" for booking airline tickets, lodging, and rental cars—making it the preferred and easiest method for booking work-related travel.

Learn more about service fees by clicking on the “Agency Fees Apply” link within the BCD Travel and UC Travel Center blocks (image below) to access the Agency Service Fees page.

May 17, 2023

Why is the authorized approver for my department not coming up as an option in MyExpense?

A name entered in the authorized approver field returning no results means that the individual is not assigned as an authorized approver for the Dept ID/Cost Center associated with the expense report. To add a new authorized approver, the department head should complete, sign and submit the Delegation of Approval Authority Form.

May 17, 2023

In MyExpense, I’m a delegate for another user. How do I submit an expense report on their behalf?

Instructions for acting as another user:

  1. In MyExpense, click on Profile in the upper right corner.
  2. Select the radio button to Act As “A Delegate for another user who has granted you this permission.”
  3. Start typing the name of the person for whom you will be submitting the expense report.
  4. Select their name.

  5. Click the Switch button.

  6. Their name will now appear in the upper right corner of your screen indicating you are acting for that person.

  7. While acting as the other user, create and submit the expense report.
  8. Finally, remember to switch back to your own profile. Click on the other person’s name at the top of your screen. Then, select the radio button next to Myself, and click the Switch button.





April 14, 2023

When I search for office supplies in BearBuy, all results for ODP Business Solutions say “N/A”. How do I order these items?

You’ll need to open the ODP Business Solutions punchout to buy these products. From the BearBuy homepage, scroll down to the General Purchases and Supplies section and click on the ODP Business Solutions icon. The punch-out will open in a new window. After adding items to your cart in the punch-out, click the CHECK OUT button to transfer the items to your BearBuy shopping cart. Then, complete the standard checkout process in BearBuy.

March 14, 2023

Is there a way I can avoid invoices being submitted to the Invoice Import Errors queue?

Please ensure your purchase order (PO) has sufficient funding to pay the invoices. Every invoice that is submitted through Transcepta using a PO with negative funding will go to the Invoice Import Errors queue, which is backlogged due to the high volume of errors. It is the department’s responsibility to ensure their POs have sufficient funding for all invoices that will be submitted. If your PO is low on funds, please submit a Change Order Request form to close the PO or add funds. Alternatively, you may need to establish a new PO for future invoices.

March 14, 2023

Why shouldn’t I copy an old order to a new shopping cart? What are the risks?

While the BearBuy system allows you to copy an old order to a new shopping cart, it is not recommended for the following reasons:

  1. Key order details such as the shipping address and accounting codes will copy to your new cart at the line item level and override any information you enter at the header level. Not updating the shipping address and accounting codes for each line item in the new cart may cause your order to be shipped to the wrong address and the invoice being charged to the wrong funds.
  2. Attachments on the old order, such as the quote, contract, or statement of work (SOW), may copy over to your new order. If you don’t remove each attachment, the supplier will receive these document(s) along with your purchase order (PO).
  3. Any recent updates to the supplier’s profile such as the supplier’s address or PO dispatch fax/email will not be reflected on your order. Instead, it will list the supplier information on your original order. This means your PO may be sent to an outdated fax/email that the supplier no longer monitors, and the supplier may delay fulfilling your order until you have submitted a new PO with the correct address.

February 13, 2023

Can I use direct-bill with a SpeedType for booking and paying lodging?

No. Direct-bill with a SpeedType can only be used when booking airfare via BCD or the UC Travel Center (UCTC). Hotel accommodations can be paid for using the traveler’s UCSF corporate travel card or using personal funds (ex: personal credit card). Reimbursement for lodging expenses to the traveler will require an expense report to be submitted via MyExpense.

February 13, 2023

Can I use a SpeedType that has special characters in it such as an underscore for booking airfare through Connexxus?

No. SpeedTypes intended for use in Connexxus cannot include underscores ( _ ), hyphens ( - ), or any other special characters. Please contact your department’s Financial Administrative team to obtain a valid SpeedType to book airfare.

February 13, 2023

A supplier notified us that our Purchase Order (PO) cannot be processed since there is a new pricing for their products. Should I submit a change order request to revise the unit price on the PO?

If your PO was created using a non-catalog form, you can submit a Change Order Request Form to update the unit price. If your PO was for a catalog supplier, the unit price cannot be changed on the PO. Ask the supplier to honor the pricing on the PO since that was the catalog pricing available at the time the order was placed. Typically, if the supplier has new catalog pricing, they would submit their new pricing to UC and after the pricing is approved, the BearBuy catalog pricing is updated for future orders.

January 18, 2023
