BearBuy Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who can I contact for help with BearBuy?
A: For help, contact the IT Service Desk at [email protected] or (415) 514-4100, option 2. The BearBuy specialists at the IT Service Desk can provide technical support, how-to help using the system, and answer questions about basic purchasing.
For invoice inquiries, please submit a ticket to the SCM Response Team.
Access and Roles
Q: How do I access BearBuy?
A: Log into your UCSF MyAccess account. Then, click on the BearBuy link to open the application. Note: You may need to click on the Manage Favorites button on MyAccess to view the complete list of applications.
Q: What do I need to do to shop in BearBuy?
A: Anyone with a MyAccess account can go into BearBuy and put items in a cart. However, you will need to assign the cart to your department's Requester to submit the order.
Q: Who is my department's Requester?
A: Please ask your supervisor or Finance Manager for guidance.
Q: I don’t know what BearBuy role I have – how do I find out?
A: In BearBuy, click on your user profile icon at the top of the page > View My Profile> User Roles and Access > Assigned Roles.
Q: I need to change my role in BearBuy – what do I do?
A: Your department’s Access Administrator will need to complete an Access Request (using the Access Management System available via MyAccess) to add, delete, or change your BearBuy role.
Q: Are any of the roles restricted?
A: Yes. BearBuy role restrictions are outlined in the Access Administrator guide in the Access Management System and on the BearBuy Roles and Responsibilities page.
Q: Where can I find training resources?
A: For step-by-step guides, see BearBuy Training. The Shopper training is best for getting started shopping.
Watch a series of short training videos at BearBuy Showcase.
Shop with BearBuy Catalogs and Punch-outs
Q: Where can I find detailed instructions for how to shop using BearBuy?
A: Please see Shopper Training.
Q: Where do I send my cart when I’m done?
A: Assign the cart to your department's Requester. Please contact your supervisor or Finance Manager for guidance.
Q: I already assigned my cart to someone else, but I need to edit my order. How do I get my cart back?
A: On the left navigation bar, go to Shop > My Carts and Orders > View Carts. Click on the Assigned Carts tab. Click on the Action dropdown (located to the far right of the corresponding cart), and select Unassign.
Q: Can I put items from different suppliers in the same cart?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I mix catalog items and BearBuy Forms in the same shopping cart?
A: It is best practice not to. The approval processes may be different for your Forms items, and your catalog purchases may be delayed. Do not mix any other items with a Change Order Request Form, Payment Request Form, After The Fact PO Form, or Standing Order Amt Form.
Q: How do I search for items in BearBuy?
A: There are several ways to search for items in BearBuy:
- Hosted catalogs are hosted within BearBuy, and are searchable directly in BearBuy. Examples of hosted catalogs are Bio-Rad or Blaisdell's Business Products. Enter your search terms in the search box at the top of the BearBuy homepage. This will search all of the electronic catalogs hosted in BearBuy. Alternatively, click on a supplier’s icon to reveal a search box where you can search for products offered by that specific supplier.
- Punch-out catalogs are identified with a small arrow in the upper right corner of the supplier’s icon in BearBuy, or the supplier’s icon will display the text “Catalog & Punch-out.” Amazon Business, Dell, and CDW-G are examples of Punch-out catalogs. Punch-outs connect you directly to the supplier’s website, branded for UCSF and using our contract products and pricing. Punch-outs are maintained by each supplier. To begin a Punch-out session, click the supplier’s icon in BearBuy. Note: You may need to click a 2nd “Punch-out” link that appears when you click on the supplier’s icon. Search for items in the Punch-out, and add the items to your shopping cart in the Punch-out. When you checkout in the Punch-out, your items will be returned to your BearBuy cart, so that you can follow the usual BearBuy checkout process. (Each supplier’s Punch-out will look different, but your items will always be returned to your BearBuy cart upon checkout.)
Q: Can I compare products in BearBuy?
A: Yes. Click the COMPARE link (located below the "Add to Cart" button) to select items. Then, click the "Compare" button located above the search results to view the items side-by-side.
Q: Why isn’t the product I want to buy in the supplier’s catalog in BearBuy, but it’s available on the supplier’s website?
A: The contents of the online catalog are based on the UCSF Strategic Sourcing and/or UC Office of the President (UCOP) contract negotiated with the supplier, and may not include all products offered. In this case, use one of the BearBuy Forms (such as the Non-Catalog Form) to place your order.
Q: What is a Punch-out?
A: A Punch-out is a catalog hosted on the supplier’s own website, but with UCSF pricing. You "punch out" from BearBuy to the supplier site, shop for items, check-out and return the items back to BearBuy to complete your order. Each Punch-out is different because the sites are designed and maintained by each individual supplier, but the shopping concept of searching for items, adding items to the cart, and returning your order back to BearBuy are consistent between all the catalogs.
Q: Can I save Punch-out catalog items in my Favorites?
A: No.
Q: What should I do if the Punch-out catalog is down/not available?
A: If a Punch-out site is down, it normally will come back up shortly. If it does not, contact the IT Service Desk at (415) 514-4100, Option 2 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or [email protected].
Shop with BearBuy Forms (and New Supplier Registration)
Q: Where can I find the BearBuy forms?
A: Forms are located on the BearBuy homepage, near the very bottom of the page.
Q: How do I know which Form to use?
A: When you open a form, you will find instructions on the left side of the form which include when to use the form.
Q: When I try to enter the supplier’s name on the form, nothing appears. What should I do?
A: The supplier may not be set up in BearBuy. Refer to the Supplier Registration Frequently Asked Questions page for instructions how to set up a new supplier in BearBuy.
The supplier registration forms are available at Supplier Forms.
Q: What does the STOP sign beside the supplier name in BearBuy mean?
A: The STOP sign indicates that the supplier is not open for ordering. If you are submitting a Payment Request Form in BearBuy, you can disregard the STOP sign next to the supplier name.
Q: How can a supplier with a STOP sign be opened for ordering in BearBuy?
A: To open a domestic (U.S.) supplier for ordering, they must complete the UCSF Substitute W-9 & Supplier Information Form. Please note, the form must be complete with an email address or fax number where the PO will be sent (Section 2 of the form).
To open a foreign supplier for ordering, send the request to [email protected] and include the supplier’s email address where the PO will be sent.
Q: Do I need to include tax and shipping on my order?
A: No. The requisition should be created reflecting the prices of the item/service only. If an item is taxable, check the “Taxable” checkbox next to the line item. Tax and shipping are paid when the order is invoiced, even if these charges do not appear on the requisition.
Q: What does "Quantity per Unit of Measure" mean on the BearBuy forms?
A: Let's say you want to order 2 boxes of gloves that have 6 pairs of gloves in each box. Enter 2 in the "Quantity" field. Enter 6 in the "Quantity per Unit of Measure (UOM)" field and select "PR – Pair" from the dropdown. If you are not sure what to put, leave the default of 1 – Each.
Q: Can I change the supplier address or contact information?
A: No. You cannot overwrite the address or contact information on an order. If you believe the contact information is incorrect, email [email protected] for assistance.
Q: How can I change the supplier’s fulfillment address on my form?
A: After selecting the supplier on your form, click the Pencil icon and select the correct fulfillment address. The fulfillment center is the supplier’s address that will appear on the Purchase Order.
Order Status
Q: How do I find out who is reviewing my order?
A: The entire approvals workflow will appear on right side of the requisition. Completed steps are marked with a checkmark.
Q: How soon will my order be dispatched to the supplier?
A: The order will be dispatched to the supplier within minutes after the approval workflow is complete.
Q: How do I know if the Purchase Order (PO) has been sent to the supplier?
A: The Purchase Order (PO) number will appear under the History tab on the requisition.
Q: When will I receive my order?
A: Please contact the supplier directly to check on the status of your order.
Q: I haven’t received my order, but I already see the invoice in BearBuy – is that correct?
A: Yes. When the supplier ships the order they will also invoice UCSF. This is similar to online shopping in which your credit card is charged when the order is shipped. However, the invoice will not be paid until the supplier's net term date (e.g., Net 30 days).
America To Go (catering)
Q: Where can I find information about ordering catering with America To Go in BearBuy?
A: To order catering, see America To Go.
Q: How is the lien created?
A: When a Purchase Order is generated in BearBuy, a lien is placed on the funds in PeopleSoft.
Q: What do I need to do to remove my BearBuy PO lien?
A: Typically, a lien is liquidated/relieved when invoices are entered against the PO, and no action is required by the user to remove the lien. If your PO is not fully invoiced and you will no longer use the PO, you can submit a Change Order Request Form in BearBuy to remove the lien – select 'Close Entire PO (and Remove Lien)' from the Type of Change dropdown list on the form.
Q: I have several POs that I need to close. What is the fastest way to close the POs?
A: Create a list of POs to close using the Change Order Multiple Purchase Order (PO) Closure Form, and attach the list to your Change Order Request form in BearBuy. (Please reference the list in the Change Request Details section of your Change Order Request Form.)
Q: If my invoice is higher than the PO, will the system create a negative lien when the invoice is paid?
A: No, the PO lien amount cannot go below $0.00.
Q: How do I change the PO/lien amount?
A: Submit a Change Order Request Form in BearBuy. Select “Change Unit Price/Amount (Form Orders Only)” from the Type of Change dropdown list on the form.
Q: How do I change the funding source/Accounting Codes/COA on my PO?
A: Submit a Change Order Request Form in BearBuy. Select “Chartfield Change (Account Code)” from the Type of Change dropdown list on the form.
Q: Who do I contact if I need help with Liens?
A: Email Supply Chain Management at [email protected].
Change Orders
Q: How do I edit information on my PO, such as the Quantity, Price, or Accounting Codes?
- Submit a Change Order Request Form in BearBuy.
- Please note that not all changes are possible. For example, we cannot edit the quantity or price on catalog orders.
- To cancel an order, please contact the supplier first. Then, submit a Change Order Request Form to request to close the PO and remove the lien.
Q: How do I enter receipts in BearBuy?
A: Please visit Receiving Training.
Q: How do I find orders placed by my department?
A: On the left navigation bar, go to Orders > Search > Purchase Orders. Select the Add Filter link and search for *Procurement Dept Code. Enter your department's Procurement Dept Code(s), and click Apply to search. Update the date filter as needed.
Q: How do I find orders for my Project?
A: On the left navigation bar, go to Orders > Search > Purchase Orders. Select the Add Filter link and search for *Project. Enter your Project and click Apply to search. Update the date filter as needed.
Q: Why can’t I see other people's orders?
A: If you are a Shopper with no other BearBuy role, you cannot view other people's orders.