Contacts and Resources.
The UCSF Capital Asset Surplus Program coordinates the sale or disposal of capitalized equipment, those items that at initial purchase were valued at more than $5,000 and have a UCSF property number. Logistics manages the sale of these items through Public Surplus, a third-party, online auction website. When capital assets cannot be sold, Logistics manages proper disposal of these items.Per Campus Administrative Policy 200-25, disposal of capital assets must be handled through Logistics.
Information about Logistics' Free and Trackable Package Delivery Service
Information on how suppliers invoice UCSF for payment. Suppliers work directly with Transcepta, but may need assistance with PO details and corrections.
Definition of professional services and how-to purchase services (as opposed to goods).
Information about supplier diversity and inclusion for UCSF campus departments. Suppliers can find more information on program requirements in our Supplier section.
Description of Accounts Payable payment process.
Reimbursement process, how and when to create an expense report using MyExpense (Concur).
Guidance on expense reimbursement process, defines types of reimbursement and gives guidance on expense reporting policies. See the Travel section of this website for more specifics on travel expenses.
Guidelines for acquiring and managing a travel cash advance.