Anchor Initiative Team Update

In partnership with the community, the UCSF Anchor Institution Initiative aims to increase the economic security and opportunity for under-resourced populations in the San Francisco Bay Area by leveraging the University's workforce development, procurement and community investment resources. The team continues to make strides by identifying potential partnerships with the community to grow our collective impact. 

On March 31, Anchor Institution Staff participated in a virtual retreat on how the initiative was started at UCSF, the team's initial goals and what is working well and what challenges have surfaced. They also considered priorities and identified strategies on how to achieve new initiatives or projects that come up. 

NGC logoIn keeping with the procurement mission of the initiative, the team was treated to lunch via a gift card purchased from a UCSF small business, National Gift Card (NGC). You can find NGC on BearBuy.*

The team is looking to further collaborate across the focus areas of community investment, workforce development, pipeline program outreach and procurement to align strategically for substantial impact. The April 16 brainstorming sessions is your opportunity to offer feedback on the Initiative's vision. See box details on how to get involved. If you are interested in getting further involved by hosting an intern please review the College & Career Readiness Internship Program Overeview.


*The NGC punch-out catalog has been retired. 

What Can You Do? 

  • Support small/local/diverse suppliers by procuring your goods and services from them whenever possible.
  • Join SCM's Marliz Copado for a monthly virtual brainstorming meeting with the Anchor Away Team to discuss implementation tactics. We invite all to join. Email Copado to get involved and receive an invitation. The next session is Friday, April 16 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.