Facilities Services Commits to Supplier Diversity Efforts

Two procurement goals of the UCSF Anchor Institution Initiative are to identify movable spend (high-dollar amounts that are sustainable over time) and encourage decision makers to allocate their procurement dollars to small, local and diverse businesses.

In a review of spend for FY2020, the Facilities Services department was ranked number two for movable spend that could be diverted in support of the initiative. This month we celebrate Facilities Services Manager Jessica Price, Assistant Director Christopher Gonzalez and the Facilities Services department for their leadership and commitment to implement supplier diversity. At our first cross-department collaboration strategy meeting, the Facilities team committed to help create a process to source low-risk, pipeline projects from small, diverse, local businesses and to keep them on a rotating basis. See photo to the right of their 10 second message announcement to their department.

“Facilities managers are excited about our collaboration with Marliz and the Supply Chain Management team,” Price said. “It’s fulfilling to know that through this partnership, and vendor rotation, we can continue to support small, diverse and local businesses.”

To help achieve these procurement-sourcing goals, the Anchor Away Team, a committee of internal customers led by Supply Chain Management’s Marliz Copado, meet to share strategies and brainstorm ideas on how each participant can serve as an advocate for the initiative in their departments.

“I encourage everyone, especially people who have decision-making and purchasing power, to get involved with the UCSF Anchor Institution Initiative,” said Copado.

The Anchor Away Team meets every third Friday of the month at 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. If you would like to support the Supplier Diversity efforts of our procurement initiatives or want to join the Anchor Away Team, please contact Marliz Copado.