Long Lead Time for Apple Computer Orders 

Apple computers currently have a long lead time for new orders. Orders placed in May will be sent in late July/August. Supply Chain Management (SCM) is investigating alternate suppliers. Once SCM has a viable alternative to buying from CDW-G or Apple direct, we will announce it and make the option available in BearBuy. 

In the meantime, please do not buy Apple computers from retail stores (including Apple’s online retail store). Those computers cannot be supported through UCSF IT. UCSF must buy from an Apple Education source (BearBuy punch-out, Apple EDU website, partner resellers) to have the model covered for support via Apple Care.  

You also can check with CDW-G (Paul Cardamone, [email protected]) for current models that will ship sooner, Keep in mind that models are gone within a day or so of CDW-G receiving them, so order quickly if there is something in stock that you can use. 

If you have questions regarding your Apple order, contact Joanne Petersen, [email protected], but note that SCM cannot expedite your order.