New America To Go User Experience

Supply Chain Management (SCM) Strategic Procurement collaborated with America To Go (ATG) to create a new landing page that highlights how catering shoppers are using their money. The new landing page will create transparency around each department’s progress toward our campus supplier diversity goal of achieving 25 percent in diverse spending.

The new interface streamlines, customizes and simplifies accessing information around supplier diversity and living green initiatives for the catering shopper. It will transform the end-to-end process across shoppers, approvers and diverse supplier catering participants. The look and feel of ATG will change, but the functionality will remain the same. 

To see information about Ordering & Approvals or other Campus Initiatives, click on any of the tiles as seen on figure 1. To view all four tiles on one page, adjust your viewing options accordingly to accommodate the screen size.

ATG’s landing page now features the Initiatives Dashboard (figure 2) which shows your percentage of spending with diverse and living green vendors for the current and previous year, highlighting any increase or decrease in spending. The dashboard will also display how you are doing in comparison with the UCSF community for the current year.

If your diverse or living green spending has decreased since last year or if your spending is less than the overall at UCSF, you will see red arrows. To help increase your department green and diverse spending, you can hover your mouse over the red arrow for tips on how to improve (figure 3).

What Can You Do? 

  • Support small/local/diverse suppliers by procuring your goods and services from them whenever possible.
  • Join SCM's Marliz Copado for a monthly virtual brainstorming meeting with the Anchor Away Team to discuss implementation tactics. We invite all to join. Email Copado to get involved and receive an invitation. The next session is Friday, March 19 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.