New BearBuy User Experience

Jaggaer, the supplier of BearBuy, will be implementing a new user experience (UX) with the 21.1 release which will go live Monday, April 12
The new interface is streamlined and simplified with easier access to information, transforming the end-to-end process across shopping, requisitions, purchase orders and invoices. The look and feel of BearBuy will change, but the functionality will remain the same. 

Jaggaer has enabled a toggle button that will allow a voluntary preview of the new UX and the ability to switch back to the classic UX as needed. The toggle button is located at the bottom right hand corner when navigating to the BearBuy landing page, or Requisition/Purchase Order/Invoice documents (figure 1).

The pop-up message can be dismissed, and afterward the toggle button will continue to display (figure 2).

After clicking the toggle, you can select the new experience and save or revert back to the classic UX.  The toggle will be available when viewing a requisition, purchase order and invoice. After April 12 when the 21.1 release is live, the new UX will be on by default and the classic UX will be retired. We look forward to this exciting change and a fresh and modern BearBuy interface. 

BearBuy New UI Notice
Figure 1


BearBuy Toggle Feature
Figure 2