SCM is Grateful for Shared Prosperity in Supplier Diversity

Over the past two years, Supply Chain Management (SCM) has seen significant increases in UCSF spend going toward small and diverse suppliers through strong participation from departments across the enterprise. As a result, we have achieved 18 straight months of increases in our diverse spend, a significant accomplishment and a testament to the hard work of each of you.

SCM Strategic Procurement would like to extend a special thank you to:

  • Those of you who continue to be intentional about your spend, considering small businesses when renewals arise.
  • Those who have been asking your small or diverse suppliers to register with the State of California, giving them easier access to State and University of California contracts.
  • The Anchors Away and Project Value Improvement team who work diligently to develop ideas and strategies to move spend.
  • Our leaders, both formal and informal, who continue to advocate for change and continue to support these important efforts.

As we march toward our ambitious 25 percent diverse spend goal, please accept a bit of gratitude on behalf of Strategic Procurement. We are grateful for all that you do for our Anchor Institution Mission and we are confident that, through UCSF’s economic might, we will improve health outcomes in our local community.