Submit Transactions Early for Fiscal Year-End

The 2023-2024 fiscal year-end  is rapidly approaching and Supply Chain Management (SCM) would like to remind you to submit your financial transactions early this year. It is imperative that departments begin their end-of-year business as soon as possible. 

Purchase Orders  

We are asking departments to submit their end-of-fiscal year requests as early as possible. We will do our best to process every order we receive and, with your assistance, we can make it happen.  

Tips for getting requisitions out the door faster: 

  1. Use the correct BearBuy form. Each form collects the information required for the different transaction types. By using the right form, you are more likely to submit the information buyers need to process the order.  
  2. Follow the instructions on the left panel of the BearBuy form. We have included details to help requesters submit accurate/complete requests to buyers.  
  3. Use University of California (UC)  templates and contracts. UC's Statement of Work template is much faster for our buyers to analyze than a supplier’s template. Likewise, the UC Policy, Business and Finance Bulletin 43, prohibits UCSF from using supplier contract templates. As a result, if you submit a supplier’s contract to procurement, expect that we will need to rewrite the document on the UC template and negotiate it with the supplier. If a supplier’s contract is required, there is no guarantee your order will be processed by year-end. 
  1. Fill out the  Source Justification/Price Reasonableness  information in BearBuy for non-federally funded orders equal to or greater than $100,000 or federally funded orders equal to or greater than $10,000. 

Lien Removal (PO Close) and Chartfield Change 

Lien removal requests (Purchase Order (PO) close) or chartfield changes with accurate and complete information will be processed on an as-received basis. Successful completion by fiscal year-end will depend on the volume of requests received and we will make our best effort to process these submissions.  
To help SCM do our best to remove liens (PO close) or process chartfield changes, we urge departments to follow these guidelines: 

  • Purchase Order with Expired Fund: Work closely with Contracts and Grants Accounting to check expiring funds. Forward any requests to close out POs to SCM early. BearBuy Match Exception Handlers will need to resolve all match exceptions prior to requesting closure of POs. Invoices must be paid before liens can be removed.   
  • BearBuy PO Lien Removal (PO close): Use the BearBuy Change Order Request Form to request lien removal. Select “Close Entire PO (and Remove Lien)” as the Type of Change.  
  • BearBuy PO Chartfield Change: Use the BearBuy Change Order Request Form to request a chartfield change. Select “Chartfield Change (Account Code)” as the Type of Change.  

Please provide accurate and complete information on your requests. In the year-end crunch, incomplete and problematic requests may result in delay in processing due to necessary follow up.  

For any questions regarding fiscal-close procedures with your POs, please  submit a ticket  to the SCM Response Team. 

Accounts Payable 

We will make every effort to process submissions by fiscal year-end. Successful completion by fiscal year-end depends on the volume of requests received and we highly encourage departments to submit any requests in advance.  

Suppliers who receive BearBuy purchase orders need to submit their invoices electronically through Transcepta to avoid delays in invoice processing and payment. 

AP will process the following on an as-received basis: 

  • Check Requests or BearBuy Payment Request Forms 
  • Meeting and Entertainment Forms 
  • Approved MyExpense reimbursements 
  • Certain invoices such as Facility Rental invoices with supplemental forms or subcontract invoices  

The deadline to submit accrual requests to AP for invoices greater than $100,000 related to FY24 is July 17, 2024, at noon. Send invoice accrual requests to Nancy Truong at [email protected]. The request must be complete, accurate and include: 

  • Invoice, PO number, and, if available, other supporting documentation (i.e. proof of delivery, service agreement milestones, etc.)
  • Approval from the department finance manager confirming the invoice is ready to pay in the new year and that the chartstring is correct 

After July 17, 2024, only invoices greater than $300,000 will be reviewed and coordinated through designated control points for accruals.

BearBuy Match Exception invoice accruals are made by AP for invoices received, but not yet paid because of missing approvals.

Procurement Card

All Procurement Card transactions for the June 25, 2024 statement period must be reallocated and approved in U.S. Bank Access Online by July 2, 2024, at 5 p.m. to be booked in FY24.

Thank you for helping us to support your success.