Purchasing and Payment Request Form Changes

The timeline for changes to the BearBuy Payment Request Form (PRF) has been revised to help departments transition to using a Purchase Order (PO) or Procurement Card (P-Card). Beginning March 1, 2016, the BearBuy PRF can only be used for the following transaction types that cannot be purchased using a PO or P-Card:

  • Conference Registration Fees
  • Donations/Contributions
  • Government Fees/Visas
  • Honoraria
  • Memberships/Subscriptions
  • Refunds
  • Relocation
  • Student Summer Programs
  • Telecom/Data Services
  • Utilities

PRFs submitted that do not qualify will be rejected beginning March 1, 2016, and the department will be required to follow a new after-the-fact process. This process, currently being finalized, will involve justifying the purchase as well as departmental approvals. Details and guidance about the process will be released in February.

To prepare for this transition, please continue reducing your PRF usage by using POs and P-Cards for purchases whenever possible.