Transcepta Tips & Tricks

Exclusions Part 1

While most suppliers that receive a BearBuy purchase order (PO) are required to submit the 

invoice via Transcepta, there are limited exceptions. This series of tips, brought to you by the SCM Response Team, will demystify the process for invoices that cannot be submitted through Transcepta. 

  1. Invoice is in foreign currency: The Transcepta system can only support invoices in USD. If a foreign currency invoice is unavoidable, it's best to ask the supplier to send their wire payment instructions along with the invoice. Include wire payment details along with a foreign currency invoice in an email to Accounts Payable for manual processing. Read more about wire payments on our website.
  2. Supplier is another university: The Transcepta system can only support one payment remittance address per supplier which may be inadequate for universities that have multiple 

departments/labs. If you place an order (PO) with another university, and you aren't sure how they should submit the invoice to UCSF, please feel free to contact SCM Reponse Team for guidance. 

Watch for more SCM Response Team Transcepta Tips in upcoming editions of SCM News2Use.