
October 19, 2021
Starting Monday, October 25, One Workplace (OWP) will offer work-from-home furniture in their BearBuy punch-out catalog. OWP is UCSF’s official supplier for all furniture purchases.

October 19, 2021
Supply Chain Management (SCM) is continuing to work on the department’s BearBuy invoicing and payment process project and we want to share updates.

October 19, 2021
The UC Office of the President has increased meal rates by 5 percent in 2021 and another 5 percent that takes effect on January 1, 2023.

October 19, 2021
All vendors working onsite at UCSF are required to comply with pandemic-related federal, state and local public health orders as well as UCSF’s policies. All vendors performing work onsite at UCSF are subject to the following: • UCSF Vendors and Contractors COVID Vaccination Requirements (detailed below) • UCSF Vendor & Campus Guest Daily Health Screening • UCSF face covering/universal mask policy • UCSF Travel Policy

October 14, 2021
In addition to PPE, the SCM COVID Store is now stocking lab plastics to help UCSF overcome the severe backorders that have crippled research efforts in the past year. A list of items we stock is available on the table to the right.

October 14, 2021
In an effort to ensure all orders in BearBuy are able to pass internal and external audit, effective October 1, 2021, Supply Chain Management (SCM) began requiring Source Justification and Price Reasonableness for orders over $100,000. SCM has added justification text boxes to the After-the-Fact form in BearBuy and will require that documentation before processing the order.

October 14, 2021
This month we are exploring the community development facet of the program by strengthening our partnership with the City and County of San Francisco Contract Monitoring Division. On Wednesday, October 20 from 11 a.m. to noon, we will host Working with UCSF: Tips for Success.

October 14, 2021
Due to payroll tax reporting deadlines and the number of pay periods remaining in 2021, all employee relocation expense reimbursement claims must be emailed to [email protected] and received by November 1 for processing and payment by the end of 2021. The expense claims must be complete, policy compliant, and have the appropriate approvals in order to be paid in 2021.  Relocation expense reimbursement claims that are incomplete or received after the deadline will be reimbursed in or after January 2022.

October 1, 2021
Effective September 30, 2021, the state of California announced a ban on state-funded travel to the state of Ohio. The prohibition was implemented as a result of discriminatory legislation signed into law this year and brings the total of states banned under Assembly Bill 1887 (AB 1887) to 18.

September 15, 2021

As many of you know, last month Supply Chain Management (SCM) asked you to participate in our survey on BearBuy invoicing and payment process.
