Purchasing & Procurement

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SCM Strategic Sourcing collaborated with America to Go to create a new landing page that highlights how catering shoppers are using their money.

March 11, 2021

Effective November 23, 2020, Supply Chain Management (SCM) will no longer ask for Source Justification and Price Reasonableness on non-federally funded orders under $100,000.  This change reduces the workload on the campus and brings our procurement rules into closer alignment wi

November 5, 2020

The repercussions from the COVID-19 pandemic – economic uncertainty, budget reductions and a hiring freeze­ – are taking a significant toll on UCSF.

May 29, 2020

The fiscal year-end is rapidly approaching and Supply Chain Management (SCM) would like to remind you of important upcoming dates when buying goods and services during this time. 

May 19, 2020

When the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on April 7 recommended that everyone wear some form of cloth face covering in public settings as a means of reducing the chance of spread of COVID-19, Supply Chain Management’s (SCM) Andrew Clark, director of Strategic Pro

April 16, 2020

In December 2015, Supply Chain Management (SCM) and the Controller's Office began requiring all on-campus catering orders, both takeout and delivery, be placed through the America To Go (ATG) Punch-out in BearBuy.

July 12, 2016
